Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 36 - 40 Day Prayer & Empowerment Challenge

I am sure you've heard the saying, "Man's rejection is God's protection."  So often, as women, we desperately desire that which is not meant for us and is not good for us. It is hard for me to fathom why there's this longing for things which are not purposed for our lives; but, the simplest rational I can garner is that we don't want to feel the pain of rejection and loss associated with not having that which we've set our eyes and hearts upon. Also, I must say that having twisted desires is not just a women's issue but a men's issue as well.  Many people do all manner of things in an attempt to gain that which will never be within their grasp.

As many times as we've been hurt by man's rejection, why does it seem as if people enjoy the endless cycle of self exposure to much of same; women chasing the same kind of man time and time again or coveting another woman's career, status, life, etc.? There may be many philosophical answers to that question, but what I would like for us to really ponder, "How can this cycle be broken?"  How can women come to desire God's plan for their lives more than desiring people and things which don't serve them?  Though, these are questions that only each woman reading this can answer for herself, I believe that truly knowing and accepting God's love for us is what begins to unlock our unhealthy desires. 

If man's rejection is truly God's protection, let us consider His love, care, guidance, and perfect plan for our lives.  God never wants us hurt or harmed, contrary to what some believe.  We are spirit and are made in His image therefore we are His.  Though, we will have many human experiences, some painful and at times unbearable, it's God's desire for us to be happy and harmonious, living from His perpetual fountain of joy.  He desires the very best for us all; and, He has a better idea of what that looks like than we do.  Knowing that, is it possible to accept  the people who walk out your life or won't give you the time day, missed opportunities, and misalignment with certain schemes and plans as His protection for you?  Will you align your vision for your life with His, the Master Life Planner?  Full surrender to Him in this way assists us even more in transitioning to healthier desires and intentions. You will still experience rejection, but its sting will be less intense and any sabotage that comes your way will carry no weight because it will not be inflicted by you.  No other weapon formed against you can prosper when you are truly allowing God's plan for your life.  "For, all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose."

Father, we thank you for your perfect plan!  We praise you for your majesty and wisdom.  We are overwhelmed by your love, grace, and mercy.  Thank you for protecting us from the things we cannot predict and see and aid us trusting You and your work, behind the scenes. Deliver us, Oh God, from ourselves and our unhealthy desires.  Make every crooked scheme, longing, and intention within us die never to resurrected again as we align our life plans with your plans for our lives. We humbly pray and ask these things.  Thank you and Amen!

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