Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 8 - 40 Day Prayer & Empowerment Challenge

How many times have you allowed a relationship gone bad deter you from engaging new opportunities? It could have been a relationship at work, a childhood friendship, a childhood crush, a family relationship, a short term friendship, or long term love affair but its end was so devastating that you vowed not to let anyone else in.  This happens all too often and without knowing it, we cut off our flow to the endless potentials of newness, of excitement, of fun, of friendships, and love unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.

I’ve witnessed people put a pin in a life event with someone else and stick it to the wall as if to say, “You stay right here and I’ll stay right where I am” like they can actually have control over whether they’ll ever feel attraction, love, or warm feelings again.  We can rebuff those feelings as much as we want, but denial does not prevent them.  Besides, why would we allow one person out of the billions on this planet dictate whether we will find happiness with another?  That’s absurd, but we do it.  Imagine if you are destined to meet the best friend you could ever have when you are 70 years old, why would you allow a relationship gone bad at age 20 hinder your happiness and freedom for 50 years of your glorious life? Ponder this for a minute and then take the challenge!

The challenge:   Let us begin to challenge ourselves to try and grasp just how vast love is.  We can never wrap our minds around its immensity, but visualize that it surrounds you, envelops, shadows you, fills you, and holds you up.  I know someone may think, “But, you don’t know what I’ve been through.  The hole in my heart is too enormous, how am I supposed to trust and love again?” I say, “Love is still there!  It is there to fill the hole and make your heart whole again.” Choose not allow someone who was not supposed to be in your life forever, remain there forever; because, when we allow that pain to keep us from newness, possibilities, and other potential relationships, they still hold us captive and we’ve given them dominion over our lives.  We lose our focus on what we want and what deserve when our focus is on the pain of the past and those things we don’t want.  Let us challenge ourselves to be fearless and free! Let us challenge ourselves to love again.  Let us challenge ourselves to befriend someone new.  Let us challenge ourselves to not allow every imperfect act of another create so much pain for us.  Let us challenge ourselves to see ourselves, our shortcomings and our beauty in our relationships and become more accepting of our loved ones when they don’t behave like we want them to.  Let us allow them to stay without our control or leave without our resentment.  Love is freeing!  Let us love freely.  Let us allow others their freedom.  Allow yourself the freedom to love now and love again when that time comes.  Let us allow our future relationships to take place in their perfect timing without thoughts of the past.

My prayer for the woman reading this right now is that she drops her boxing stance.  The fight is over.  Lord, help her see that it is your desire for her to be in freedom and flow not fear and oppression.  Set her free now from the pain of past relationships and open her to the beautiful future and faithful friends which await her.  Give her peace and contentment when she’s alone and defy any illusion of loneliness, and remind her she’s never alone.  You are always there!!! Amen!


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